Privacy Policy

Privacy is important to us. We’re committed to keeping your information safe, and this privacy policy outlines how we handle it.

What information do we collect?

We collect and store some personal information electronically for our website and newsletter through:

  • our newsletter signup form managed by MailChimp, which includes your email address and any other details you have the option to provide us, such as your name, location and organisation
  • jobs you may apply for, managed by Workable, which contains information typically found on a CV or resume
  • our website uses Google Analytics, which collects visitors’ IP address, Operating System, browser version, and other related information

Why do we collect it?

  • conduct communication and marketing activities
  • assess individuals for their suitability for a job with us
  • answer enquiries or provide advice
  • assess the performance of our website and newsletter
  • comply with any laws or government regulation that might affect us

How we secure your information

We won’t disclose any of your personal information to a third party unless you’ve provided your consent, or where the law dictates we need to do so. We store your data in electronic format, and have a number of measures in place to make sure it’s safe:

  • we use industry-standard security software and practices
  • we train our staff in best practices in data collection and storage
  • we’ll review the information we have from time to time and destroy or de-identify anything we no longer need
  • we require all our staff and contractors to sign confidentiality agreements
  • we make sure you can unsubscribe from our newsletter or update your information at any time

Data across borders

Occasionally, as part of our business operations, we disclose personal information to our partners based in Australia, the USA, Myanmar and Timor-Leste. We take reasonable steps to make sure those recipients don’t breach applicable privacy regimes.

Sensitive information

We don’t collect any sensitive information via our website, but we sometimes do where it’s necessary to carry out our global development programs. We only collect essential information needed to achieve the program outcomes. The information we receive through our education, health, and nutrition apps is collected by our partners only when we have an individual’s consent to do so. Where we collect health information, that often includes names, phone numbers, locations and dates of health care visits (particularly around pregnancy for our maternal and child health program, Liga Inan). In other programs we may also collect details for identification purposes such as electoral registration numbers, and details for program planning such as place of employment and demographic details.

How to get in touch with us

You’re entitled to request access to all personal and/or sensitive information you have given us, or to make a complaint. Contact us at if you’d like to know what we hold or make any changes to your information.

Our partners and supporters

Australian Aid Logo
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