Improving emergency preparedness
From faster response to better coordination, technology can help people save lives. Here's Ambulansia.

To improve emergency preparedness, response and coordination

A computer-aided dispatch system to help providers log calls, reports and updates in real-time

Used by more than 10 organisations across the health sector
Built through our local junior developers program

The Timor-Leste Ministry of Health, supported by Australian Aid
Technology brings about a world of possibility in the health sector. From faster response to better coordination, it can help people make a huge difference. Along with Timor-Leste’s Ministry of Health, we established an Innovation Technologies hub to explore its potential to solve health sector problems. Through it, Ambulansia was born.
Ambulansia improves ambulance case tracking and response by logging emergency calls, situations and updates digitally. It quickly informs the right services, so they can be dispatched and people can prepare for incoming patients.
The Ambulansia system is used by partners across the health system—including the National Hospital, ambulance services, medical evacuation services and Ministry of Health units. With better coordination, patients get better care.