Protecting and supporting nutrition
Partnering with FONGTIL and 100+ of its members to enhance the collective impact of nutrition projects in Timor-Leste

Facilitate collective action to enhance the impact of nutrition projects in Timor-Leste

A collaborative information management system

FONGTIL and its members, Timor-Leste Ministry of Health, supported by Australian Aid

Reaches FONGTIL's network of 100+ partners contributing to nutrition outcomes
We are now less than 10 years away from the year 2030, when the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 2 of Zero Hunger is supposed to be achieved, yet food insecurity is still pervasive in many parts of the world.
That’s why we are partnering with FONGTIL and its 100+ members who are working to improve nutrition in Timor-Leste on the Protecting and Supporting Nutrition program. This program is aimed at helping to better coordinate efforts to increase food security across the country by making use of the Hamutuk platform we developed.
This project is designed to help Timor-Leste achieve the goals it has set as part of its National Action Plan for Nutrition and Food Security. This plan was created in 2020 when Timor-Leste joined the global Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement, made up of 63 countries who envision a world without hunger and malnutrition by 2030.
To achieve the goals of the action plan, eight ministries in the country have been brought on board to work together on issues related to food security over the next 10 years. This huge task requires the government departments to collaborate effectively with civil society organisations, such as those who are members of FONGTIL.
Through implementing a powerful partner coordination and reporting tool, we are strengthening the systems that FONGTIL uses to manage information. This allows them to better plan a coordinated response to food insecurity in the country.
By providing FONGTIL with better tools to manage information, we also hope to significantly improve monitoring efforts around food security. This information will be shared with the government directly through the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) as well as to the public.