Delivering learning into the hands of health workers

Motivating health professionals to learn, up-skill, and limit infectious diseases



To improve national capacity to manage infectious diseases


A digital learning platform that aggregates training content while contributing to disease monitoring


Over 660 health professionals trained to use the app

Course content aggregated from health organisations including the WHO, Menzies Institute for Medical Research, & St John of God

Content aligned with Timor-Leste’s Integrated Disease Surveillance & Response (IDSR) framework


The Timor-Leste Ministry of Health, Maluk Timor and the Partnership for Human Development, supported by Australian Aid via the Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security

To combat infectious disease, integrated training efforts are essential

A well-trained workforce can make the difference between life and death for patients. As part of Timor-Leste’s strategy to prevent infectious disease, the Haroman program aims to improve infection prevention capacity at the local level, while contributing to disease monitoring nationally.

Partnering with Maluk Timor, the program leverages Catalpa’s microlearning platform, Bero, to provide ongoing job-embedded training to over 660 health workers.


Learning and reporting: a win-win

The Haroman program will deliver a library of lessons covering topics on infectious diseases, including symptom recognition, control, safety, monitoring, and more.

Designed to be used as an app on smartphone or tablet, healthcare workers can carry essential disease information and learning with them to support their ongoing professional development.

As health workers report progress on what they've learned, data is shared with the Ministry of Health to contribute to national monitoring efforts.

This data, reported directly by staff on the front lines, offers a reliable and current insight into the uptake of infectious disease information across rural and urban locations — made possible by the app’s functionality in low-to-no connectivity areas.


Adaptable & scalable for public health emergencies

When COVID-19 threatened to overwhelm health systems, coordinated efforts were needed to rapidly up-skill nurses, doctors, and other health staff.

By leveraging the existing Haroman technology and healthcare network, lessons on COVID-19 were rapidly developed and disseminated for pandemic mitigation.


No one can do their job properly without tools. Imagine a clinician in a remote health centre facing an outbreak of infectious disease. The Haroman app is their friend and colleague, helping them care for each patient while protecting themselves and the community. It's a tool that every clinician can use in delivering best-practice care anywhere, anytime.

Jeremy Beckett, CEO, Maluk Timor

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