Enabling an inclusive health service
The ‘disability booklet’ facilitates personalised, continuous support for people with disabilities.

To provide better care for people with disabilities

A booklet for people to carry with them to health visits

The Disability Association of Timor-Leste, CBM Australia and the Timor-Leste Ministry of Health, supported by Australian Aid
Putting people in control of their health
Healthcare isn’t always inclusive. When it leaves behind marginalised groups, it can create even bigger socioeconomic gaps. Healthcare professionals aren’t always trained in treating people with disabilities. To help bridge the gap, we’re facilitating a personalised, easy-to-use health booklet that can be built on over time.
The Disability Booklet helps improve relationships between people with disabilities and their medical providers. It provides health staff with disability information they might not be familiar with. It can record diagnoses, treatments and referrals, helping them understand the needs of individual patients. It’s easy to update, and people with disabilities can take it home and bring it next visit. Using the booklet, there’s consistent interaction between health providers and people with disabilities.
The booklet also helps link people with the right services, such as other health providers or disability groups. It’s supported by advocacy materials developed alongside more than 20 local and international organisations.