Strengthening Myanmar’s education system

Improvements in education policy and planning have nationwide economic, social and political benefits. Here's My-EQIP.


Education & Skills Training

To improve education outcomes across Myanmar


Technical and management support for education policymaking


Cardno and the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), supported by Australian Aid

Using data to enhance nationwide capacity for change

In Myanmar, there are around 9 million students, 323,000 teachers and more than 45,000 government schools. Many are under-resourced. Through My-EQIP, we’re addressing that problem systematically, unlocking potential to set up all kids with a strong educational foundation.

Myanmar school
My-EQIP is part of a systematic education reform in Myanmar to better support learning.

The Myanmar Education Quality Improvement Program (My-EQIP) improves education in Myanmar by strengthening monitoring processes, research, capacity and culture. Through it, we’re helping the Government of Myanmar collect and use relevant education data. It’s an important source of information for planning and management, including finding areas in need and filling knowledge gaps.

Better data can also identify underlying causes of educational differences based on gender, socioeconomic factors and geography. The outcome is a better education system that can prepare students for today’s workforce.

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